Pavol Stanko

djPS - independent “self made” musician, producer and composer.

Yes, it is true. Nowadays everybody can make complete albums from their bedroom. On the other hand, to reach the high quality musical, producing and composing results, there is not only need to have few lifes to study all the necessities (ability is certainty), but also to have a lot of money. Even I am not possesing any of this 100%, anybody who has been collaborating with me, or has seen something from my production, knows, I am not lying. Quality may be not that high, but that is understandable for what has been writen above. Good independent music is a life long hobby!

But don´t understand me in a wrong way. I know personaly many talented people and I am collaborating with them. Just sometimes artist´s need for authenticity, searching for his self and personal freedom reminds him where he should be at a certain time to achieve this goals. That is why I am here, in my home studio... I hope that, also with your help, it will only go foward and my original independent production will bring others joy and inspiration!

HomeStudioPS Tv

There is not a dj as djPS…

As a first thing, maybe a bit unexpected, I am not a dj. And PS are not initials of my name. Mysterious nickname “djPS” is hiding certain among of symbolic meanings. The main one is, that word dj for me symbolize independent musician, or better - producent and composer, who is able to create complete music product.

To play and to create was always my hobby. During my activities as a musician in a number of independent bands I gained not only valuable general knowledge, but also developed certain musical and production skills (as a bass player, drumer, singer/rap, some production softwers). That alows me to create music also self-sufficiently. I´m writing my texts, composing music, recording it and most of the time also everything else (e.g. photos, home made videos, campaings..)

PS as a “post-scriptim” (from latin “under line note”) nicely fits to a little bit introvertial mood. As a symbol of quiet rebel - content of that note can but doesn’t have to be part of the former meanings. It can inspire understanding, bring new perspectives on subject. Or just pure ROCK´N´ROLL! One´ll never know...


Let´s dream together!

Life of an independent artist is sometimes hard. By sending volunteer contribution you´ll support not only djPS´s enthusiasm to create, quality of forthcoming projects and equipment of HomeStudioPS, but you´ll also get:

-exclusive electronic delux version of the first serie of project EXPERIMENT after it´s finished (re-mastered, bonus song + behind the scenes)
-500 positive points for your karma / 500 stairs to heaven
-exclusive signed certificate from djPS that will approve that you are very cool! (in pdf format)


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PS: If you want receive gifts mentioned above please leave your contact in the bank post (email adress, or facebook - or your another social media account), or write me to